Friday, March 13, 2009

Living a Life Blessed

Today has been a gorgeous, sunny day in Corvallis. How is it so much easier to be happy and feel fulfilled when the sun is out? I am sitting with the windows open in my apartment (still have a blanket on, but the windows are open!) just reflecting on all the amazing blessing I have gotten to experience in my life in the last 12 months. So I thought, being the list maker that I am, I would make a list! :) So here it goes, things I am so thankful are a part of my life right now:

  • Skype - how else does one talk to their best friend who lives across an ocean in China?
  • School of Ministry - what a great year spent with precious people learning the word of God. Today we talked about Revelation (which usually is pretty intimidating to me) and I was absolutly riveted by the sheer power and lovingkindness of God. And where else do you get to wear Bible costumes, or "smiting" costumes (never did find a reference in the Bible to a time where God strikes someone down with lightning, but it is so dramatic in a costume...see above photo), or do puppet shows based on Habakkuk?
  • Parents who clean my house - in an outpouring of graciousness, my amazing parents came to Corvallis and cleaned my messy house when I was sick for the second time in two weeks.
  • Aforementioned house - I love my apartment, and I love living alone (no offense former roommates!). This year has been great for me to learn some independance and for me to truly be alone with God and accept his love for me in a way I have never felt before.
  • Food Stamps - thank you government for helping me afford fresh produce! I attribute part of my health to you!
  • A brother - in town to help me hang pictures, kill bugs, help me with computer problems, bring me gatorade and saltines when I am sick, and generally let me pester him about anything and everything
  • Brazil friends - from all three trips, both Brazilian and American. There is nothing like having "heart friends" who understand a part of you that no one else really can.
  • Master's Degree - yep, it is proudly displayed on my bookshelf in the living room. Thank you God for getting me through those two years!
  • Best friends and best cousins getting married - what a good excuse to be girly!
  • Deep conversations - even if sometimes they are hard, or make my cry, I have had some of the best conversations recently. I love how God can teach me through other people.
  • Sunny weather - I know it's not flip flop time yet, but it is just around the corner! My toes are so excited to be free from socks!!
  • Holidays - the best one is coming up next week...St. Patricks Day! Love that holiday, must have something to do with being a Sheldon Fighting Irish :)
  • A loving Heavenly Father who sees fit to lavish such blessing on me, when I am so undeserving! "What love you lavish on me.... my heart is overflowing!"


rosepua said...

Thanks for sharing the blessings you are thankful for. No wonder you are smilin'... Love, MA

Paul and Ashley Hynes said...

I heard I must read. So many awesome and amazing events, thanks for sharing and reminding us that the small things count too! See you soon best friend :)

Sheri said...

Happy St Patricks Day!!! Your right, you have a lot to be thankful for and even though the weather has changed :( the list continues to be long. God is good - and the sun will be back!